Parent Consent Form

Please Sign the below consent form if you are under the age of 18 and bring to the Facility. No underage guests will be allowed inside the facility without the consent form. Thank you Very much


Animal Paradise Gym
Location: Cumberland Mall, Vineland, NJ

1. Consent for Participation:

I the undersigned, am the parent or legal guardian of [Minor’s Full Name] (“the Minor”), who is under 18 years of age. I voluntarily consent to the Minor’s participation in all activities and use of facilities at Animal Paradise Gym (the “Gym”), including but not limited to, use of gym equipment, fitness classes, seminars, contests, and other related physical activities.

2. Assumption of Risk:

I understand and acknowledge that participation in gym activities may involve inherent risks of physical injury, illness, or other complications, including injuries from equipment use or participation in physical exercise. I voluntarily assume all risks associated with the Minor’s participation.

3. Waiver and Release of Liability:

In consideration of the Minor’s use of the Gym and participation in its activities, I hereby release, waive, and discharge Animal Paradise Gym, its owners, agents, employees, volunteers, sponsors, and affiliates (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of or related to the Minor’s participation. This includes, but is not limited to, personal injury, property damage, or losses whether caused by negligence or otherwise.

4. Indemnification:

I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Released Parties from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or legal fees arising from the Minor’s participation in gym activities, including any claims resulting from the Minor’s actions, negligence, or misconduct.

5. Medical Treatment Consent:

In the event of a medical emergency involving the Minor while at the Gym, I authorize Gym staff or emergency personnel to administer necessary medical treatment. I agree to bear any costs related to such treatment and release the Released Parties from liability for any medical care provided.

6. Supplement and Food Consumption:

I understand that food and supplements may be offered at the Gym. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure the Minor avoids any products that could cause allergic reactions or other adverse effects. I release the Released Parties from any claims arising from the Minor’s voluntary consumption of food or supplements.

7. Photography and Media Release:

I grant permission for Animal Paradise Gym to photograph, film, or record the Minor while participating in Gym activities, and to use their image, voice, or likeness for promotional purposes without compensation or further approval.

8. Gym Rules and Equipment Usage:

I acknowledge that the Minor will follow all posted Gym rules and equipment usage guidelines. Failure to comply may result in termination of Gym access. I understand that failure to re-rack weights, misuse of equipment, or dangerous behavior can lead to the Minor’s removal from the Gym without a refund.

9. Non-Refundable Policy:

All fees related to Gym membership, merchandise, services, or other purchases are non-refundable, and I agree to this non-refund policy in full.

10. Event Changes:

If the Minor attends any Gym-hosted events, I acknowledge that event contents and activities are subject to change without notice, and no refunds or compensation will be issued for changes.

11. Governing Law:

This waiver is governed by the laws of the state of New Jersey, and any disputes shall be resolved under the jurisdiction of the courts of New Jersey.

12. Acknowledgment of Understanding:

I have carefully read and fully understand this Parent/Guardian Consent and Liability Waiver Form. I voluntarily agree to all the terms stated above on behalf of the

Minor.Parent/Guardian Name (Printed):


Parent/Guardian Signature:


Minor’s Name (Printed):


